Marvel | These Superheroes Are Going To Die | Avengers EndGame | Fan Theory
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Avengers Endgame |
Superheroes are going to die in Avengers Endgame | Fan Theory
It was a first time we saw multiple superheroes died in Avengers Infinity War in Marvel movies. So many Marvel fans are interested to know which superheroes are going to die in Avengers Endgame movie.
So now we know that we are going to see Time Travel in Avengers Endgame, it's confirmed that all the superheroes who died in Avengers Infinity War will be brought back again in Avengers Endgame.
As Thanos sacrifices his daughter Gamora to achieve Soul Stone, Avengers may also be going to sacrifice their lives to save the world & revert Thanos's snap effect.
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Thanos Sacrifices Gamora for Soul Stone |
Probable Superheroes who are going to Die in Avengers Endgame
- Nebula
- Rhodey
- Shuri
- Drax
- Thor
- Steve Rogers aka Captain America
- Iron Man aka Tony Stark
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Nebula |
We frequently saw changes in her nature, Good & Bad. First, she tried to kill Gamora with the help of Ronan, but later their relationship became good & then also ready to kill her father, Thanos.
Thanos also used her for essential things, like to get information about Soul Stone from Gamora by torturing Nebula in front of Gamora.
Later she also lost her sister Gamora because Thanos sacrifices Gamora to take Soul Stone.
Now, there is only one thing in Nebula's mind, Revenge!
Defeating Thanos is not that easy thing to do, but Nebula will give her full efforts to kill Thanos & while doing that she may sacrifice herself.
2) Rhodey
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War Machine aka Rhodey |
We saw Rhodey in his upgraded suit, but we also know that in Comics Rhodey is one of the superheroes who killed by Thanos.
Some of us know that Rhodey is not from Marvel's main superheroes, even if Rhodey stay alive at the end then the main question is, How is Marvel going to use this character in future?
War Machine is a title so that anyone can become War Machine in the future.
So there are high chances of Rhodey's death in Avengers Endgame movie.
3) Shuri
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Shuri |
Shuri becomes more famous after the release of Black Panther movie. Therefore a lot of fans are worried about Shuri; They don't want to see her die in the Infinity War movie. Also, we saw her in the missing list that appears in the Avengers Endgame trailer.
Shuri is one of the smartest characters from MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).
In Comics, Shuri also wears Black Panther costume to save Wakanda, but she died in Marvel's Times Run Out comic.
If Shuri dies in Avengers Endgame, then it will be interesting for Black Panther 2 movie plot.
In 2016's Black Panther comic, T'Chala struggles to bring Shuri back in life & also becomes successful in that; This is Wakanda's uniqueness.
Wakanda is a mixture of high Techs & prior Mysticism.
If Shuri dies in Avengers Endgame, then it will be perfect for director Ryan Coogler to explore Mystical roots of Wakanda.
4) Drax
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Drax |
Drax has many abilities, in which he is the best but one thing that may cause him in the future.
Drax can't control himself & end with doing stupid things.
We already saw his revenge attitude in Guardians of the Galaxy & Avengers Infinity War movies where he engages in a fight with Ronan & Thanos respectively for destroying his family & planet.
So if he gets a single chance to take his revenge, he will go to take that chance & may do something stupid by going alone against Thanos.
We know defeating Thanos is not that easy so his actions may cost his life in the future.
5) Thor
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Thor |
The contract with MCU of Chris Hemsworth, who plays the role of Thor is about to end with Avengers Endgame movie.
Lots of peoples lost their everything in Avengers Infinity War like their families, friends, etc.
Thor is already all alone & he also says that he has nothing to lose now.
He lost his friends including his father Odin in Thor Ragnorok movie.
He lost his mother in Thor The Dark World movie, Loki & Heimdall including half of the Asgardians in Avengers Infinity War movie.
So a glorious death can only satisfy Thor's warrior spirit, but it's not necessary he may defeat Thanos & recreate the Asgard on Earth with the remaining Asgardians.
6) Steve Rogers aka Captain America
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Steve Rogers aka Captain America |
The inspiration behind the Avengers Infinity War movie is Infinity Gauntlet comic. Whatever happens in Avengers Infinity War movie is mentioned only in the comic's first small part & in the remaining portion of comic story Avengers are trying to stop Thanos.
There was a moment where Captain America face Thanos & says, "You'll never going to win till one person stands in front of him."
Then immediately after that Thanos killed Captain America, & somewhat it could happen in the Avengers Endgame.
We all know that Chris Evans's contract with MCU is going to end after the Avengers Endgame movie.
7) Tony Stark aka Iron Man
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Tony Stark aka Iron Man |
Same like Chris Hemsworth & Chris Evans, Robert Downy Jr's contract with MCU is about to end after the Avengers Endgame movie.
Marvel Cinematic Universe starts with Robert Downy Jr's movie Iron Man. From the last ten years he is performing this role & according to me, no one can do better than this man.
For Iron Man, Robert Downy Jr is the only suitable person.
Every superhero deserves a proper ending & in Avengers Endgame it will be the proud moment for Iron Man where he will save the world as he already did in the past movies.
Everything mentioned here related to the comic stories is not necessary to be true. Because we all know comic stories & movie plots are far different from each other.
Some stories turn out to be true & some not.
After all, this is a fan theory, which may become true or may not.
There is only one way to find out the reality.
Go & watch the movie.
If you have some other details about this, then feel free to mention in the Comment Section below
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